Home Waters News & Highlights
Hey all! I thought it would be a good idea to check-in and highlight a few things that have been happening here at Home Waters.
First off, we’re smack in the middle of winter steelhead season. Home Waters is fully stocked on flies and gear to keep you fishing and doing so comfortably. Worth mentioning is the super awesome Kast Steelhead gloves. Designed to keep your hands bone-dry and give you maximum dexterity, the fleece lined Steelhead gloves are 100% waterproof/submersible, windproof and breathable. Available here at the shop in a range of sizes. Check ‘em out. Kast Steelhead gloves
Second, let’s talk flies. Flies. Flies. Flies. Out with the old and in with the new, I say! We’ve been busy here at the shop makin’ room for a lot of new flies that have come in the past week or two. And with Spring trout fishing right around the corner, we’re excited to give some of these a try. My kind of Spring cleaning!
We’re also stoked to have a variety of Umpqua’s Zero Sweep™ line of bags here at the shop. The result of a collaboration between Umpqua’s technical outdoor pack designers and fishing staff, the Zero Sweep™ line includes Sling Packs, Waist Packs, Backpacks and Chest Packs with unique systems of ports and attachment points for those go-to tools. They’re pretty sweet. Give ‘em a browse. Umpqua Zero Sweep™ line
As for events, we’re co-hosting the International Fly Fishing Film Festival again this year for the Eugene/Springfield viewing. It will take place Thursday March 31st at 7pm at the Wildish Theater in Springfield. Tickets are $15 each and available here at the shop. It’s a good time and we recommend you catch a viewing when it strolls through your neck of the woods. IF4
Guided trips, anyone? Spring trips are filling up quick so give us a call here at the shop. Full Day trips last around 8 hours and Half Day trips last around 4 to 5 hours, light permitting. Whether it be for steelhead or trout, single-hand or spey, Home Waters Guide Service welcomes all skill levels for an opportunity to get out on the water. Spey casting is our specialty.
And how fun does a guided trip in Idaho on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River sound? I mean, really. Three 5-night, 6-day trips are still available. Start dates are July 12th, July 28th and August 5th. Call the shop for more info!
**UPDATE** The July 28th trip has been booked.
Lastly, we’re excited to start carrying Hardy, Pfleuger and Fenwick products in the very near future. So stay tuned for those updates.
Hope this message finds everyone well!
~ Jason

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